Our expert team will guide you through your considerations educating on everything along the way. Here is how we do it.
Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity. They are made up of photovoltaic cells that generate a direct current (DC) when exposed to sunlight. Understanding their efficiency, types, and capacity helps our customers make informed decisions for their solar installations, maximising energy production and savings.
Determining the right system size is crucial for optimal solar energy production. We will consider your energy consumption and available roof space. Our Experts can assess these factors and calculate the appropriate system size, ensuring it meets your energy needs while maximising the return on investment and long-term savings.
Solar panels are securely mounted on rooftops or ground mounts. Wiring connections are made, and inverters are installed to convert DC to AC electricity compatible with UK grid standards. The system is then commissioned, ensuring compliance with local regulations and industry standards for safe and efficient operation.
Installing solar panels leads to substantial savings: lower electricity bills, significant return on investment over time, protection against rising energy costs, potential rebates, and increased property value. Generating your own power reduces reliance on the grid and provides long-term financial benefits while promoting sustainability.
Energy storage systems, such as batteries, complement solar panels by storing excess electricity generated during the day for later use, including evenings or during power outages. Energy storage enhances self-consumption, maximizes energy independence, and provides backup power, optimizing the benefits and reliability of your solar installation.
Regular maintenance ensures the optimal performance of your solar system. This includes cleaning panels, inspecting wiring, and checking inverters. Monitoring energy production helps identify any issues promptly. Proper maintenance and monitoring maximise efficiency, extend system lifespan, and ensure long-term savings from your solar investment.
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